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welcome to Heart Beats

welcome to Heart Beats

Friday, 29 June 2012


The Heart Beats team and crew will be very sad to say goodbye to Iona and Sophia, our trainees. You've both been so valuable, helping everyone feel at home and adding lovely music with viola and trumpet.
We wish you much luck for the future, in your exciting adventures at the Guildhall and Royal Academy of Music.... and here's hoping you find opportunities to do more community music.
It's a shame we didn't get to work with you for longer, but hope you will drop in from time to time to see how we all are.
Don't forget to find time to have some fun, too.

Ben's song

Lovely song, Ben.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Hello, my name is Ben.

I have recently started working with Heart Beats so Leah can go and have another beautiful baby. I work in a special school and play a whole heap of instruments including banjo, guitar, accordian and autoharp. The 2 sessions I have been involved with so far have been amazing fun and I am looking forward to making loads more fantastic music with the Heart Beats gang. I'm bringing my autoharp too this week so we will have 2 autoharps for the price of 1.


Ta Da! new autoharp now in tune and sounding very Americana!
Here's lovely June Carter with hers.
Thanks to the Somerset Community Foundation for making this purchase possible. We're looking forward to using it in our session this week.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


And here's a jamming moment - the background sounds are people arriving, chatting, and setting up the room. But there's not a moment to spare for the Heart Beats music makers ...


Improvisation : a beautiful focused Heart Beats moment

steel pan

Liking the look of this pentatonic steel pan .... mmmm....
shall we get one?