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welcome to Heart Beats

Friday, 20 December 2013

Some good news for 2014

Thank you very much, Esmee Fairbairn and SW Foundation, for agreeing to a request for some addiitonal funding for Heart Beats in 2014.
We're going to use this funding to put on some Heart Beats parties, so - hooray!
Happy Christmas!


Thursday, 19 December 2013

silent nights......

No Heart Beats music tonight - we're taking our festive rest.
Sending lots of very warm wishes to all our friends. Keep warm and don't forget to be musical.
Have a Happy New Year too, we'll hope to see you all in January for a brilliant, exciting and harmonious start to 2014.

Happy Christmas!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Count Me In are leading some experiential training for Sound Foundation Somerset....

Breaking news....

Fantastic Professional Development Opportunity for Somerset Music Practitioners!

Sound Foundation Somerset (Somerset’s Music Education Hub) and Somerset County Council’s Short Breaks are funding a great professional development opportunity for music practitioners in Somerset.

This is for people who work with children and young people with disabilities, learning and communication needs and who are interested in developing their music leading skills.

Supported by SPAEDA Arts Education, and delivered by Count Me In, this experiential learning opportunity includes two mornings of live music workshops based on structured, improvised group music making.

Practitioners will participate in these workshops and learn to lead a group of children and young people with disabilities, learning and communication needs.

Afternoon sessions focus on learning and professional development, with practitioners reflecting, planning and reviewing the workshops.

Thursday 20th and Friday 21st February 2014

Great Bow Wharf, Bow Street, Langport, TA10 9PN

9.30am – 12.30pm- workshop for 12 years +

Lunch – for Count Me In and CPD Participants

1.30-3.30pm CPD element for emerging practitioners

Call: 01458 254265 to book your practitioner place.
Only five free CPD places available

Festive and seasonal....

Hey hey! it's our December session tonight - the last before the midwinter break.
Yes, there may be mince pies and twinkly lights. And music to warm, to cheer and to sparkle with ...
Our Christmas cake is also our birthday cake, we are celebrating 2 years of the Heart Beats club.
Lots of reasons to be merry, then!