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welcome to Heart Beats

Friday, 31 July 2015

Taster sessions are over, and we have a team....

Our summer tasters are over now and we're taking a break until September, when we'll be moving to our new home at "TLC" - the Lawrence Centre.

What have we achieved? Everything we set out to do, we think!

We've welcomed 17 young musicians to our sessions,  9 of whom had never been to a music group with us before.

We said that we would start the AllStars journey by revisiting some of our favourite music-leading tricks and games. It was a chance for us, as team (Jane - Russ- Alex- Geoff - Ben), to get back into our stride.
The themes we've worked with have been starts and stops;  the 'AllStars pre-Glastonbury party'; silence, and listening; get into the groove - and relax.

We wanted the group to begin their journey towards musical progression; throw  in some ideas and begin to shape how we work; and start to form a real group that interacts and has fun.

We wanted to meet new people, and re-establish our great relationship with old friends too. We wanted to meet new students from Wells Cathedral School, and see what this new mix would sound like.

Some quotes from some new group members :
'Absolutely amazing - I was so impressed.'
'It was great fun.'

We have two new volunteer buddies on the team now : Ryan and Katie.
Because they're over 25 they've agreed to take on some extra responsibility.
Katie will be in charge of welcoming and buddying up with the A level students in our group.
Ryan has a special job of supporting Ben, who is so busy running the 'front of house' welcoming everyone and dealing with the paperwork.

And of course, Geoff is with us as our volunteer music leader. Yesterday he led a brilliant re-interpretation of a piece played by the Master Drummers of Ghana that he saw - and met - at Womad last weekend.
And he demonstrated their dance : remarkable!

So there's plenty to look forward to when we get together again in September.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Last taster session and dates for the autumn

AllStars news, July 2015.

AllStars is having a summer break. Our last taster session is July 30th.
We hope you all have a great summer.
Thanks to everyone who came to our taster sessions. We hope you will come back and be part of the AllStars Heart Beats music team.

The autumn dates are all on Thursdays :
1.     September 17th
2.  October 1st
3.  October 15th
4.  November 5th
5.  November 19th
6.  December 3rd
7.   December 17th

After Christmas, we start up again on January 21st 2016.
Sessions will all run from 6 till 8 and will cost £2 a session. Ben, Russ, Alex and Jane will be there to greet you.

One thing is changing!
We have a new venue!!

We are moving to a new venue in Wells. This is called ‘The Lawrence Centre’ and has plenty of parking right next to it.
The Lawrence Centre is a community centre located in the middle of Wells by the entrance to the Union Street car park.
The address is
          The Lawrence Centre,
37 Chamberlain Street
Wells BA5 2PQ
The building is warm and cosy, has good access, disabled loos and a nice kitchen. It doesn’t have a separate room but parents, friends and staff are welcome to stay, we will make sure there’s a comfy place for you. 
See you there!

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Happy Day

Count Me In and the Heart Beats music crew want to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to the Members of the Radstock Co-Operative Society who have chosen us as their nominated 'charity of the year'.... and  for presenting us with another enormous cheque, this time for £1,100.

Happy moment....
RCS Director Craig Doughty visited our session last week to present the cheque.

As you can imagine, we soon had Craig and his colleague Vicki sitting in the circle and playing music with us.

The money will help us deliver our AllStars project : we can reach new people by extending our outreach provision, share our news and ideas through an updated website, and invest in some extra management and promotional time to improve the impact of what we do.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Friday, 10 July 2015

Partnerships, meetings, Fast Forward Festival... a busy time

It's been a busy time recently - the last month has been full up.

We've been meeting our fabulous partners who are helping us to set up and deliver an excellent programme of music making. 

We've had meetings and hatched action plans with Wells Cathedral School, the Somerset Rural Youth Project, Elmwood and Penrose federation of schools in Bridgwater, and Spaeda in Langport.

We've run an arts week music day in Fiveways school, who loved our work and want us to come back and do more.

We've visited Fairfield Farm College in Wiltshire and fixed dates to do an evening session there, and an arts week day next year.

Alex and Jane have been planning out the Listening Lounge strand of the project, with a focus on mentoring and Arts Award - that's going to be exciting, a new departure for us. We're looking at creating a space where music therapy and community music can work together -  where we can listen sensitively and respond intentionally.

We attended the Fast Forward Festival 'Inclusive Excellence' conference at The Colston Hall in Bristol. This was a thought provoking day that ended in performances by Drake Music and the Paraorchestra.
We were asked to consider that 'The musical world discriminates against disabled people. If we don’t change this, we endorse it.
1. What must the music industry do to create a fair ecology?
2. How can music education change to prepare young disabled musicians for this new ecology?'
We went away with a head full of questions and ideas about access, ability, inclusion, and participation. We need more chance to meet and investigate these big issues together. It's  a vibrant discussion and there are so many angles.
AllStars offers an informal music education environment where our team do their best to provide a valuable, progressive experience for everyone, reacting to individual abilities and interests. We feel we can work with young people who wouldn't have been offered much in the way of formal musical education; we believe access to live music making is a universal right. Not sure if this is 'inclusive excellence', but it's always surprising and exciting, and goes further than we ever thought it would. One thing for sure, there's no discrimination here. Come and play music with us.

On Thursday Jane joined a conversation on SEN/D music education at the Wiltshire Music Centre. Again - lots of thought provoking questions were raised about music, excellence, and inclusion. One thing that emerged was that the AllStars project may be able to help with CPD and developing the workforce.

What we're looking forward to now is our next music session on July 16th. It's all very well talking about music, but you mustn't forget to play some now and again, too...
This seems to be a good time to say how good it is to be part of such a great team, in the SW, doing what we love best : making music!

Oh - and we mustn't forget Geoff: see you all on Thursday.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Yet more great news for AllStars 

Count Me In are the Radstock Co-operative's chosen charity of the year !
At their recent AGM the Radco members voted 'in favour of supporting Heat Beats and Count Me in for the coming year'.

This means that they will be presenting us with a cheque, which, coming so soon after their last donation, is absolutely wonderful news.

We said we'd use any donation they make for the AllStars project - this will help us to improve our impact, efficiency and quality, and extend our reach.

We like their local ethos and are proud to be supported by them.