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welcome to Heart Beats

welcome to Heart Beats

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Moving - and shaking....

Moving Heart Beats to a new location was a big decision : the creative space we build around ourselves as a group is important to everything we do. Many of us take a while to get used to new places.....different access, lighting, acoustics - there's a whole load of multi sensory aspects to consider.
We'll soon get used to the stairs and the lift, heavy fire doors, piles of instruments and music stands, and an energetic atmosphere with other people buzzing about.

Cedars Hall

Cedars Hall is an exceptional building because it's brand new, and designed with acoustics in mind.
Our room has carpet, acoustic panels, a specially designed floor,and big windows looking out across tree tops. Our instruments and voices sound different in this room.
In the corridors students are moving their instruments about and practicing pieces. In the main hall ('The 'Eavis Hall' ) orchestras rehearse and we can look down to see what's happening as we walk along the corridor.
Eavis Hall

Michael Eavis opened Cedars hall officially on October 8th. He said 'I learned to laugh about lots of things in Wells.'

What do our musicians think about the new music space? 
Katie says 'It's an adventure in a new place - I appreciate it.'
Emma -'I love the new place.'
Sophie - 'I like the lift!' 
Geoff - 'It's all fresh - a good atmosphere. This is a new achievement.'
Mark - 'The building has a phenomenal atmosphere. I liked seeing the orchestra.'

We're starting something new together.
We have a feeling the music we make in this new room will be quite different.