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welcome to Heart Beats

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Music tonight!

Hello - if you are in the Heart Beats crew - come along to Cedars Hall tonight to get our exciting programme for 2017 going with some real live music....

Everyone can expect a warm welcome, new faces and old : and we have some exciting news for you too.

Friday, 6 January 2017

AllStars in 2017 : heading West

This is the final year of our AllStars project, which will end with a HUGE celebration this summer.
We've got plenty of great stuff to look forward to in the next few months.

This January we start a new mini-project that we're calling AllStars West.
The Jean Rees post-16 centre in Bridgwater is hosting a series of weekly music sessions where we will be playing live, interactive music with 11 students.
These sessions will build listening and social skills, as well as being fun, interactive and age appropriate.
We'll work with staff to help students move towards their Thrive targets.

Because AllStars brings mixed ability groups together to communicate through music, we will invite students from Chilton Trinity school, which shares a location with Jean Rees, to join the sessions too.

We expect to help build self esteem, confidence, listening skills, and social and emotional learning....because music is a great way to do this!