So - we wondered, what had we done?
Lots and lots of music.... lots and lots of fun...lots and lots of learning.
Plenty of new friends made along the way.
The occasional party!
Here's some of the things we have reflected on :
The programme was aspirational and to a degree experimental.
We followed a community music model that was underpinned by
therapeutic approaches, participation, and best practice in communication. We
researched improvisation and free ensemble playing. We took musical risks and
processed the outcomes.
We followed our programme plan carefully : it worked well.
We extended our delivery thanks to local support. Increasing our pool of
accessible instruments, we explored sensory approaches to music through
offering ‘conventional’ instruments to people who had never had this
opportunity before.
We brought people together who would never normally meet ,
allowing them to explore relationships through sound and structured musical
activities that led to an increase in musicality, personal progression, and
social interaction.
We supplemented the education of a diverse range of gifted
young musicians whose lives have been altered by the experience.
We empowered individuals with complex learning needs, sensory
impairment and autism, allowing them to participate playfully or with gravitas,
leading others, and engaging on their own terms. We responded respectfully to
all input and valued the unexpected.
We worked diligently with our SEN volunteers and music leader,
taking their lead and valuing their voice. – This at a time when ‘disabled
music leadership’ is high on the agenda.
We shared knowledge with teachers, professionals and
graduates. We gave advice on starting organisations, fundraising, and good practice;
also, career guidance and mentoring support.
Our team have grown in expertise through co-working and
skillshare. This is fully transferrable and affects all our practice.
We’ve seen music changes lives, takes us to places we
wouldn’t otherwise go, and builds true communities of experience.
So - cheers everybody! Bye for now.
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